Rabi High School Report 1996

Students of Rabi High School situated at Tabiang Village
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by Area Pene
Language Department, Rabi High School
September 1996
The school is located in Tabiang and was opened in 1985 by the then British Ambassador. The former site was in Nuku and it was known as a Junior Secondary School. The first Principal was a local (Banaban) by the name of Teiwaki Benaia. He was later replaced by Mr. Narayan, an Indian Teacher who is currently reaching in Nadi. The current Principal, Rubena Karakaua who is a female took over from Mr. Narayan in 1990.
So far the school roll is roughly over 350 students, staff roll is 29.
There are six Civil Servant teachers, three Temporary Civil Servants and nine Grant-in-Aid teachers. There are five Auxiliary teachers and they are fully paid from the school. They teach subjects like Local Craft, Music, Culture and Vernacular. The school also has six Auxiliary staff and they are fully paid by the Council. These staff consist of two librarians, a typist, a clerk, a caretaker and a handyman.
Overall there are eleven classes ranging from Forms 1 to Form 6.
FORM 1 - 3 Streams
FORM 2 - 3 Streams
FORM 3 - 2 Streams
FORM 4 - 1 Stream
FORM 5 - 1 Stream
FORM 6 - 1 Stream
Where there is more than 1 stream in a Form, each stream is assigned a Teacher’s name.
This year the Fourth Formers and Sixth Formers are preparing themselves for their EXTERNAL EXAMS. The Form Four’s will sit for the FIJI JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAM. While the sixth Formers sit for the FIJI SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE. The passing rate last year was about 60%. For the past four years the Woodwork and Technical Department had received a 100% pass during these External Examinations. Although the school lacks necessary equipment and facilities, this Department had proved to the other departments that nothing is impossible.
Last year some students under the guidance of Mrs. Nanise Pene took part in the Australian Mathematics Competition and quite a number of them passed with Credits. The Language department also introduced Drams, Quiz and Oratory Contest. It was a great success and the school is thinking of staging an amateur performance (DRAMA) during the Parent’s Day.

In sports, the school introduced competition in Houses. The school has four houses, namely DAMANU, BUABUA, VESI and DAKUA. At the end of each term there is a school competition. This meet is known as the INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION. Last year after the Inter-House, a few athletes were chosen to represent the school at the FIJI COCA-COLA games in Suva. The team qualified after they won most of their races during their Maritime meet. Unfortunately, none of the athletes won any medal during the final. Nevertheless, these students have learnt a lot during their tour.
This year the school did not send any athletes to Suva due to lack of funds.
During the Inter-House Competition this year, DAMANU who normally came in fourth, surprised the other houses when it won the Inter-House meet. VESI came in second, BUABUA third, and DAKUA fourth. Here on Rabi Rugby Union is commonly played by the boys. It is hoped that Rugby League will be introduced in school next year.

The Science Lab is nearly completed through the hard efforts of the entire Community
A major activity done in the school this year was the Fundraising toward its Science Lab. The school managed to raise more than $11,000. The fundraising was done in Forms i.e. (Forms 1-6). The target for each form was $800.
The Form that collected the highest amount was FORM 3NANISE with the total amount of $1,300.
FORM 4 KARAKAUA came in second and their amount was $1,177.97. FORM 3AREA came in third with the total amount of $1,170.56. Also towards this fundraising, the Rabi Council gave $8,000 and the School Lab is now about to be completed. It is hoped that it will be opened early next year.
FORM 3NANISE as their winning prizes had a BBQ with their parents and a picnic at Tabiang.
The School as it is now planning to have another fundraising towards the end of Term 3 i.e. after the Annual and External Examinations. The purpose of this fundraising is to buy a PHOTOCOPYING MACHINE. I can also say in advance that the School is going to have another MAJOR FUNDRAISING push next year towards its development and extension.
The School is very grateful to Mr. Dan Bridges, from the Banaban Heritage Society Inc., and his colleagues at Brisbug Computer Club for donating library books, computers and other educational pamphlets to the school. The students and staff of Rabi High School wish to thank Mr. Bridges in particular for teaching them the use of a computer. Most of the students have just seen a computer for the first time. No wonder they started calling Mr. Bridges, Master Dan. These computers are now the main topic of conversations in every household on Rabi.
Rabi High School also welcomed Luisa Sukabula back to School after her brief stint in Australia. Luisa addressed the students about her trip and experience at St. Michael’s College. The students were quite amused when she mentioned that the boys were taught Cooking Classes at St. Michaels. It is nice to note that Luisa, a shy and quiet lass has now become a Luisa full of confidence.
The students and staff of Rabi High School are grateful for the hospitality given to Luisa while she was at St. Michael’s College. For this, the school would like and if possible correspond with the students and staff of St. Michael’s.

Luisa Sukabula (front left hand side) back in her Form 5 Class at Rabi High School after her 3 months stay in Australia
The school address is:
The Principal,
Rabi High School,
P.O. Box 11, Rabi Island, Fiji.
And to Master Dan Bridges, the school owes you a lot and is looking forward to seeing you again in December.
Until then ti akabo!
Area Pene, (Language Dept.) Sept, 1996