Japan Tour Report
Banaban Dancing Group

Banaban Dance Group performing in Japan 1997
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Japan Tour Report by Banaban Dancing Group
by Cr Iakoba Karutakke - Rabi Island Council Representative from Tabwewa Village
Taken from Issue No. 27 of the 'Banaba/Ocean Island News' - Oct, Nov, Dec '97
The Japan trip by 9 Banaban Dancers and myself was taken with the approval of the Rabi Council of Leaders.
The whole trip was a successful one for the Banabans due to a wide range of promotions carried out by the Ethnic Concert Organising Committee, Manabu Kitaguchi, the Banaban Dancers and myself.
The Dancers did perform so well with their drama and dancing which really attracted the interest of the Japanese audiences. Banaban history and way of life was highlighted in their drama.
As a council representative on this tour, I was invited to attend a press conference, symposium and study meetings. The main issue for discussion was based on the ‘Banabans’. I explained the state of Banaba today based on the reports and photographs, and also the difficulties our people on Rabi are now facing. I also stated that the Banabans have gone through a lot of hardship from Banaba until they arrived on Rabi.
To conclude, I must thank the Organising Committee, Manabu and of course Stacey for the assistance they provided. Our mission has been accomplished, that is to create public awareness about Banabans. I do hope that the Japanese have now become more aware of the Banabans.
Copyright Cr Iakoba Karutaakei Dec, 1997
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